The Burned-Out Blogger’s Guide to PR
- by Jason Kincaid
- in Books Front Page
- posted January 9, 2014
“A seriously brilliant book and one that I just bought and read in one sitting.”
“One of my favorite books this year. Must read for every entrepreneur.”
“Incredible insights. Best PR book I’ve read.”
“Amazing, hilarious, and mostly true. It has something for everyone, and it’s smart. It’s also laugh-out-loud funny… It’s indispensable for startup founders, and they’ll love it. Bloggers and reporters will cry over how perfectly it describes their frustrating lives. And PR people will groan and say it’s all nonsense.”
“Even for seasoned pros, The Burned-Out Blogger’s Guide to PR is an insightful how-to. It’s also an indictment of tech publishing’s vanity and hypocritical dependence on PR. And it’s a young man’s confession to a cynicism he regrets but can’t seem to shake.”
“A Must-Read For PR Pros & Journalists… One of the key points from the book is this: we’re all human and need to treat each other with the appropriate respect. Everyone has a job to do and some do it very well, but at the end of the day, we must be respectful with one another.”
“If you’re building a product or business, go take an hour and read this book. Really. It may not be “the best” book on how to get press coverage and market your product, but it’s real. So real it’d make tech writers have flashbacks. This is really how the modern business news process works, and you should understand it. And if you’re a budding writer, go read this to see what you’d otherwise learn by hard knocks over the coming weeks and months. You’ll read it now, and then in a few months think “oh right, that’s what Jason said.” I wish I’d had something like that when I started.”
“Need straightforward, no punches pulled advice on getting your startup’s story in the hands of a reporter? Then you need The Burned-Out Blogger’s Guide to PR by Jason Kincaid.”
“This book has insider tips that I haven’t read anywhere else and most apply regardless of the industry you’re in.”